The Brookfield Police Department Animal Control Officer is Nycole Griffin, who provides numerous services to the city and its residents.
Some services provided include picking up, transporting, and caring for injured, stray, abused, unwanted or ill animals while maintaining a log containing the impoundment and dispositions of each animal. The officer must also examine animals for injuries or malnutrition, and arrange for any necessary medical treatment.
The Animal Control Officer may also have to remove animals and place them in protective custody until they are released by the court, in cases where owners may have been arrested, or in animal cruelty cases, find an adoptive home or in rare cases are humanely euthanized. Other services include investigating cruelty cases, dog bite claims, wild animal encounters, interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, writing reports, and issuing warnings or citations to those that do not adhere to the City ordinances concerning animals.
Educating the public is another important responsibility of the Animal Control Officer. Such education includes providing information on proper pet care practices, along with advising Brookfield residents of Missouri state laws and City of Brookfield ordinances that will help our residents become responsible pet owners.
The Animal Control Officer also provides assistance to the Linn County Humane Society both in their everyday operations and in contacting licensed rescue organizations and arranging transport of animals to these organizations.
Training is provided through several outlets to the Animal Control Officer including in-house training, Department of Agriculture educational training, and through the Missouri Animal Control Association at the annual training conference.