Brookfield Senior Center

Brookfield Senior Center / Linn County Council Of Aging, Inc.

The Brookfield Senior Center (also known as the Linn County Council of Aging) welcomes all citizens sixty years or older. We take pride in creating a warm, friendly atmosphere and a sense of usefulness to all senior citizens. Our Nutrition Program furnishes well-balanced meals to everyone – especially those on a special diet – and delivers meals to seniors who are homebound and unable to join us at the Senior Center.

Our main goal is enabling senior citizens in their golden years to remain as independent as possible and in good physical and mental health. We offer blood pressure and blood sugar checks and other health screenings through our health program.

The Brookfield Senior Center is open to all citizens age 60 and older regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. The dining room, located in the Senior Center just off Helm Street on Clawson Road, is open to all ages for lunch Monday through Friday. The suggested contribution for lunch is $3.00 for people age 60 and older and $6.75 for people age 59 and under. No one is turned away due to inability to pay.

January Menu

January Activities

Please note: For those of you that still wish to have to-go lunches (rather than coming in to our dining room), just be sure to call in THE NIGHT BEFORE to reserve a meal. You may call 1-660-258-2577 and leave a message with your name and phone number to request a meal. Anyone that is currently receiving HOME DELIVERED MEALS, this message does not affect you!

President: Wes Rhodes
Vice President: Carolee Hall
Secretary: Lela Groes
Board Members: Bill Hedrick, Jerry Stone, Gene Thudium

Administrator: Heidi Wampler
Head Cook: Terry Stichler
Cook Assistant 1: Teresa Beckman
Cook Assistant 2: Parthina Hamilton