Frequently Used Links

Here are some helpful links:

Directions to Brookfield, Missouri

Use Google Maps to find Brookfield, Missouri

Brookfield Weather

Get the current weather report.

Linn County Sheriff’s Department Website

Linn County Missouri Resources

Linn County Leader

Local and surrounding community news can be found in the Linn County Leader.

Drivers License Office

Find out the location and hours of the Brookfield License Department

Library information:

Visit the Brookfield Library website for hours, programs, and a good book to read!

Linn County Historical Society & Museum

Visit them on Facebook!

What’s playing at the movie theater?

Movie listings and showtimes can be found here!


Inquire about programs and hours.

Post Office

Find a zip code, location of the post office, track and calculate postage

Visit Missouri – Visitors Guide

Get great sight-seeing information on traveling in Missouri.

Linn County Humane Society

Adopt a pet! Call 660-258-3322


To schedule a ride in Linn County call the St. Joseph OATS Transit office at 816-279-3131 or 800-831-9219

Trash Service

WCA Waste